Thursday 18 December 2008

Term 2, Week 7

This was the final week of making the websites and i finally finished creating mine. On the gallery page, i deleted all the images from the page as they were all to big and looked messy as they were all different sizes, instead, i rezized all the images using paint shop pro so they were small, similar to thumbnails, i then inserted them to a table i created on the gallery page and hyperlinked them to the full size image so when you clicked on the image you could see it. On the links page, i added a form that people could fill in when they go on the website so they could contact lewis. I also added music to the front page using niftyplayer. My website is now finished, to veiw my final website click here.

Term 2, Week 6

The deadline is now quite close for the website. This week i finished adding all the information to the website and i hyperlinked to Lewis's myspace and to his bands myspace's. I also decided to make the resolution of my website wider as it wasnt wide enough. I found this made the website look much better as you now didnt have to scroll down as much on certain pages.

Term 2, Week 5

This week i finished my bibliography page and i added a table to the events page which will show all the upcoming performances lewis is involved in. I arranged for Lewis to send me a demo of one of his songs that i could later add to the homepage.

Term 2, Week 4

I worked more on my website this week. I finished adding information to the welcome page and i filled in the bibliography page. I added all my pictures to the gallery page, now all with the black borer and in black and white. I chose to delete the video page this week as i wouldnt be able to get a appropriate video for the website of lewis performing by the deadline for the website.

Term 2, Week 3

This week i worked more on my website, i ensured all my pages linked together and decided on my final template for the website. I started experimenting with images and i chose to make them all have the same theme, black and white with a black border around them. I started to write information on the welcome page and gathering information for the biblography page, i met wiht my client this week to find this information and for him to send me some images he would like used on the website.

Term 2, Week 2

This week i started to create my website. I designed my homepage and created a logo that would be used on all the pages. I created the image using photoshop by using red text and a black background, i found the simplicity of the logo was effective. I used the stripy background that i created last week as a background for all my pages and i chose to use red, black and white as my website colours.

Term 2, Week 1

This week i started to think about what i want my website to be like. I learned how to use niftyplayer, which is a javascript that can be used to play music, this would be appropriate to use on my website because i am basing mine on a music student. I also learned how tou use and create some "online gadgets" that could be used on my website. Some of these included, stripemania, which can be used to create a small image that is stripy that can then be used as a background on my website. I created a black and red stripy background that i decided i could use when i start my website.
Also this week, i created a plan for my website, this included a brief description on my client and what pages i would like and a description of what the pages are and what information they are to hold.

Term 1, Week 6

This week i did more experimenting on dreamweaver, i carried on with my brit website, trying out more of the different features that dreamweaver holds. I learnt more about creating a template on dreamweaver so that when i do make my own website for my client, i can create a solid template that can be used for all of my pages. I found my client for my website that i will be making after half term this week, Lewis Williams, a friend from the music strand has agreed to let me use him to base a website on.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Term 1, Week 5

This week i learnt how to make a basic website using Adobe Dreamweaver. I started to make a very watered down version of the Brit website. I used tables to create my website, they are used as a "scafold" for my website, I inserted pictures, text, rollover images, tables inside of the tables and used html codes to insert javascript into my html so that my website showed the date and time. I created various pages on some of the different strands and then linked them all to the rollover images on the side of the page. I learnt how to set page properties and object properties. I have changed the backgrounds on my website using the colour dropper so it is the same as the background on the image. I have also learnt the important of the "path" ( location of files) and how dangerous it is to move files on a web server after use in dreamweaver.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Term 1, Week 4

This week we learnt about GIF and JPEG files, I know know that JPEGs are used for photos and GIfs are for animations and cartoons. GIF files have a lot of useful qualities such as the ability to give a image a transparent background. I have learnt to use xzara to make animations, and use animation shop to create animations. I made the pictures for the animation shop using paint shop pro then imported them into animation shop.